Wir haben 20 Bürohühner statt einem Bürohund
Besonders in der Branche der Architekten und Landschaftsarchitekten ist es weit verbreitet die Stimmung im Team über einen Bürohund zu heben und diesen dementsprechend in Szene zu setzen. Sie dienen zur Stressreduktion und gelten als Feel-Good-Manager. Das hat dazu geführt, dass nun jährlich der Bürohund des Jahres gekürt wird und es sogar einen Bundesverband für Bürohunde gibt.
Our landscape architecture office welcomes all types of animals to support the working atmosphere and has a particular preference for chickens. We would like to report regularly about our office chickens in the future. Wolfram Munder from the management, currently has 20 chickens, a rooster and four chicks on his farm that hatched on time for Easter. All colleagues are continuously supplied with the chicken’s delicious eggs and kept up to date with pictures and videos. We do not want to withhold this from you.
W.e enjoy learning about and from chickens, putting their behavior and communication in relation to us humans and learning exciting news from the chicken cosmos. For example from the book “Nestwärme” by Ernst Paul Dörfler: “Birds also have various communication options and use them to send signals. (…) Chickens cackle when they have found a worm or a grain. Joy Ann Mench, a professor at the University of California, discovered that chickens use around 20 different tones, depending on the type of food they eat. ›› Corn ‹‹ sounds different in chicken than ›› compound feed ‹‹. This was the first proof of content-related communication among non-primates. ”(Ernst Paul Dörfler:“ Nest warmth. What we can learn from birds. ”) Exciting, isn’t it? Here are a few first impressions,
Copyright photos: Munder and Erzepky Landscape Architects